# CHPlaceholderAPI An extension to add integration for [PlaceholderAPI](https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/placeholderapi.6245/) in CommandHelper. Lets you register new placeholders as well as replace placeholders in strings. Latest version requires CommandHelper 3.3.5 Use version 0.1.6 for CommandHelper 3.3.4 Use version 0.1.1 for CommandHelper 3.3.2 ## Function Documentation **set_placeholders([player], string)** Replaces all placeholders in the given string. Player can be null or absent if player context is not necessary for the given placeholders. Automatically "colorizes" the returned string. **register_placeholder_hook(identifier, closure)** Registers a PlaceholderAPI identifier. When the identifier is used in a placeholder, it executes the given closure. The closure will be passed the player name (or null) and the particular placeholder name that follows the identifier (eg. \"%id_placeholder_name%\") as variables. Use return() in the closure to specify the output for each placeholder name you're checking for. Returns true if the placeholder was successfully registered. Example: ```` // handles %player_health% and %player_hunger% register_placeholder_hook('player', closure(@player, @placeholder){ if(is_null(@player)) { return(""); } if(@placeholder == 'health') { return(phealth(@player)); } if(@placeholder == 'hunger') { return(phunger(@player)); } }); ```` **unregister_placeholder_hook(identifier)** Unregisters a PlaceholderAPI identifier. Returns true if a placeholder by that id existed.