# CHRegionChange Provides a `region_change` event for CommandHelper when using WorldGuard. ## Downloads and Compatibility CHRegionChange 2.2.0 for CommandHelper 3.3.5 CHRegionChange 2.1.1 for CommandHelper 3.3.4 CHRegionChange 1.1.0 for CommandHelper 3.3.2 ## Event Documentation ### region_change Fires when a player moves to a block with a different region set than they are currently in. #### Prefilters #### Event Data * `player` * `from` locationArray * `to` locationArray * `fromRegions` An array that may contain regions the player is leaving. * `toRegions` An array that may contain regions the player is entering. * `type` The type of event that triggered this. (RESPAWN, EMBARK, MOVE, GLIDE, SWIM, TELEPORT, RIDE, OTHER_NON_CANCELLABLE, or OTHER_CANCELLABLE) #### Mutable Fields