# CHPaper Gives access to API available in Paper but not Bukkit or Spigot. ## Recommended Builds CHPaper 0.4.3 requires CommandHelper 3.3.5 #256 or later (Paper 1.16.5+) (NOTE: some functions require later Paper versions) CHPaper 0.3.2 requires CommandHelper 3.3.4 (Paper 1.13.2 - 1.16.5) CHPaper 0.2.1 requires CommandHelper 3.3.2 (Paper 1.7.10 - 1.12.2) ## Function Documentation #### UUID get_firework_shooter(fireworkUUID) Returns the UUID for the entity that spawned this firework, or null if none exists. #### int get_world_view_distance(world) Returns the view distance (in chunks) for a world. #### void set_world_view_distance(world, distance) Sets the view distance (in chunks) for a world. #### int get_command_block_success(location) Gets the success count for a commandblock. (1.17) #### void set_command_block_success(location, int) Sets the success count for a commandblock. (1.17) #### void minimessage([recipient], message) Sends a MiniMessage formatted message. (requires Paper 1.18.2+) #### boolean get_paffects_spawning([player]) Gets whether or not this player affects mob spawning. #### void set_paffects_spawning([player], boolean) Sets whether or not this player affects mob spawning. #### pview_distance([player]) Gets view distance for player in chunks. #### set_pview_distance([player], distance) Sets view distance for player in chunks. (2 - 32) ### World Mob Spawning Control These functions are not Paper-specific and will likely be moved to CommandHelper core at some point under different function names. I forgot to remove them before publishing, but enjoy them for now. #### array get_spawning(world) Gets the entity spawn settings for this world. #### void set_spawning(world, settingsArray) Sets the entity spawn settings for this world. ### Mob Management #### void set_mob_killer(entityID, player) Sets the killer of a mob/player to the specified player. #### boolean set_mob_destination(entityID, destination, [speedMultiplier]) Finds and sets a path for a mob to a location or living entity. #### array get_mob_path(entityID) Returns an array of location arrays along the mob's current path or null. ## Event Documentation ### beacon_effect This event is called when beacon effect is applied to a player. #### Event Data * **player:** The player the effect is being applied to. * **location:** The location of the beacon. * **effect:** The array of the potion effect being applied to the player. * **primary:** Whether or not the effect is the primary effect from the beacon. #### Mutable Fields * **effect** ### player_jump This event is called when a player jumps. #### Prefilters * **player:** String #### Event Data * **player:** The player jumping. * **from:** The location from which the player is jumping. * **to:** The location the player is moving to. #### Mutable Fields * **from** ### player_elytra_boost This event is called when a player boosts using a firework while gliding. #### Prefilters * **player:** String #### Event Data * **player:** The player boosting. * **firework:** The entity id of the firework created. * **item:** The item array of the firework used. * **consume:** Whether or not the firework item will be consumed. #### Mutable Fields * **consume** ### entity_remove_from_world Fired any time an entity is being removed from a world for any reason #### Prefilters * **id**: String * **type**: Macro #### Event Data * **id:** The entityID * **type:** The type of entity removing. ### player_armor_change This event is called when a player's armor slot changes by any cause, including function. #### Prefilters * **player:** String #### Event Data * **player:** The player whose armor slot changed. * **olditem:** The item array for the old item (or null) * **newitem:** The item array for the new item (or null) * **slottype:** The armor slot changed (HEAD, CHEST, LEGS, FEET)