# THIS EXTENSION IS HIGHLY EXPERIMENTAL! # **!!!! Latest versions require CommandHelper 3.3.4 build #3978 or later !!!!** While some small amount of testing has been done to verify that SOMETHING works, we do not take any responsibility for any damages caused by the use of this extension until we deem it stable. Thank you. ## Builds ## You can find latest versions of CHSC [here][builds]. ## Documentation ## Examples: [here][examples] Function definitions: [here][funcs] General design thoughts: [here][design] Example network topography: [here][topo] [builds]: https://letsbuild.net/jenkins/job/CHServerCommunication/ [examples]: https://github.com/EntityReborn/CHServerCommunication/blob/master/Examples.md [funcs]: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AjO4owzyFgGzdEFROHZjRm5GcTEwanRPUVc0NF9uU1E#gid=0 [design]: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UmSIYHjARkOAsXQaK6oaWMW20zdG1WVmEikLvZUd58o [topo]: https://www.lucidchart.com/documents/view/46cd-0b90-51af849e-ad48-775e0a004865