Center Of Valhalla

Center Of Valhalla was made 100% by one person! That old kid One of the biggest builds ever created by one person You can check out That_old_kid’s own website here.

Server Lag

So to address the server lag we have been having. I have migrated the servers to a temp machine. Things should be lag free now. In the mean time I will be reconfiguring the main server so we don’t have...
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Server Down Time

The servers main Solid State Drive started failing today, so we are officially moving to the new server hardware. It will take a while for me to transfer everything over. Thank you for patience.’s Birthday is today August 21st!

Today the server has been officially running for 1 year! Thank you to everyone who has helped to keep this server going. It’s thanks to all of you that this server is as great of a place to be! Thank...
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Do you use steam? Want to play with some of your fellow gamers? Then check out our Steam Group.

1.6 Update

The 1.6 Update is here! All servers have been updated. The economy system on the PvP server has been updated as well so you can purchase any of the newly added items, including horse mob eggs! Just do “/buy 383:100”...
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Survival Games: Forsaken Ascension

View Survival Games: Forsaken Ascension That_old_kid has been building again. This time he made a survival map for Planet Minecrafts Survival map contest. Got check it out and the amazing detail that he has done. PS: Watch the video. Seriously....
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Its official the Redstone update is this coming wednesday, March 13th, 2013. Redstone here we come! Redstone Update Pre-Release is TOMORROW, as long as it goes well the official update should be next week. Cross your fingers. “ Do you...
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